about a girl

A grandfather was walking through his yard when he heard his granddaughter repeating the alphabet in a tone of voice that sounded like a prayer. He asked her what she was doing. The little girl explained: "I'm praying, but I can't think of exactly the right words, so I'm just saying all the letters, and God will put them together for me, because He knows what I'm thinking." -Charles B. Vaughan

Monday, July 18, 2005


sulit juga menahan diri untuk gak ngebahas tempat kerja gue di sini ya, huhuhu...

kesalahan terbesar mereka lakukan di hari pertama yaitu ngasih gue meja sendiri lengkap dengan sambungan internet, huahuahuah... yg ada gue nge-blog.

blog gue ancur abis kalau dibuka pakai IE, dan daripada komputer ini meledak gara2 kegaptekan gue salah install firefox, mendingan gue berkorban dengan cara ganti template yg lebih user friendly untuk beberapa bulan ke depan. jd template pandora's box gue simpen dulu buat kapan2.

ini yang namanya jet lag.

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