about a girl

A grandfather was walking through his yard when he heard his granddaughter repeating the alphabet in a tone of voice that sounded like a prayer. He asked her what she was doing. The little girl explained: "I'm praying, but I can't think of exactly the right words, so I'm just saying all the letters, and God will put them together for me, because He knows what I'm thinking." -Charles B. Vaughan

Friday, January 27, 2006

meranggas sayup sayup

Image hosting by Photobucket
Photo by Lisa Gough

galagasi pedar,
di tapal musim panas.
menyaksikan dedaunan meranggas,
ia rentas lalu melangkah sayup.

dan aku.
lebih dari sebelumnya.

dan aku.
lebih dari sebelumnya.

Thanks ya say, buat kata2 barunya.
Ini puisi dgn waktu bikin yg paling singkat sepanjang sejarah blog gue, hehe..

Creative Commons License

Saturday, January 21, 2006

seketika sunyi senyap

Image hosting by Photobucket

"Woman Lying Down Arching"
A Painting by Arslan.

rebah kepalaku di pangkuanmu,
rasakan hangat darahku mengalir
dari luka yang menganga lebar,
aku berkata dengan tatapanku.

aku memilih.
habiskan nafas-nafas terakhir
menerjemahkan liar gerak matamu.
sementara memintamu akhiri penderitaanku
tak kulakukan.

aku memilih.
tidak sedetik memejamkan mata
hitung bintang-bintang di matamu.
sementara menghitung detik-detik terakhirku
tak kuingat.

aku memilih.
mengeja sakit tanpa mampu melafalkannya
sakit sebab tak sempat melihatmu tersenyum.
sementara sakit luka tusukanmu yang mematikan
tak kuhiraukan.

seketika sunyi di sekelilingku,
rasakan cengkeramanmu menguat
pada lenganku yang melemah,
aku menutup mata.

Ini fanfic. (klik).

Creative Commons License

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Can't we cook the hamburgers yet?

The coals aren't hot enough.

But I'm hungry! I want to eat NOW!

Well, you'll just have to wait.

You know, Calvin, sometimes the anticipation of something is more fun than the thing itself once you get it.

Here we are, it's a beautiful evening. It's nice to just sit here and look at the trees while we wait for the coals to get hot, don't you think?

Dinner will be over soon, and afterward we'll be distracted with other things to do. But now we have a few minutes to ourselves to enjoy the evening.

These summer days go by so quickly. It's good that every now and then we have to wait for something.



So should I go to McDonald's then, or what?

Yeah, I know. You think you're going to be six all your life.

Waterson, Bill: The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes. A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury. London (Warner Books), 6th ed., 2000, p. 45.

Creative Commons License

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Resolution

In the year 2006 I resolve to:

Procrastinate more.

Get your resolution here

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